جلال رشیدی کوچی هستم، جوانی از ایلات خمسه و خادم مردم. زاده تیر ۱۳۶۳ در شهرستان مرودشت. پدرم حاج جلیل از معلمان شریف، رزمنده هشت سال دفاع مقدس و نماینده فقید مردم مرودشت در دوره چهارم مجلس شورای اسلامی که در راه خدمت به مردم به شهادت که دعای قنوت هایش بود، رسید.
در مقاطع کارشناسی مهندسی صنایع و کارشناسی ارشد علوم سیاسی تحصیل کرده ام. حضور در صندوق مهر امام رضا(ع)، استانداری فارس و خدمت در مجموعه مقدس سپاه پاسداران را در کارنامه شغلی خود دارم. در اسفند ۹۸ با رأی اعتماد مردم شریف شهرستانهای مرودشت، ارسنجان و پاسارگاد به عنوان خادم آنها به مجلس یازدهم راه یافتم. اکنون نیز عضو کمیسیون شوراها و امور داخلی کشور و سخنگوی فراکسیون های شفافیت و عشایری می باشم. قول اصلی من به مردم در زمان انتخابات خدمت صادقانه بود که تا پای جان خود را متعهد به آن می دانم و از شما مردم فهیم تقاضای دعای خیر دارم.
Jalal Rashidi Kochi is a politician and member of parliament in the 11th term of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. In the 11th elections of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, which was held on March 23, 2017, he won 32,469 votes, was elected from the constituencies of Marvdasht, Pasargad and Arsanjan in Fars province and entered the Assembly.
User Protection Plan:
Representatives of the Joint Commission for the Review of the User Protection Plan (March 24), after the publication of several copies, voted in favor of the latest version of the plan in the name of supporting users in cyberspace. A joint commission to review the so-called conservation plan was held after several weeks between the 1401 budget review session.
On the morning of March 24, in the parliament, Gholamreza Nouri, a member of the joint commission, criticized the way the commission was held and announced that a text message had been sent to them to participate in the commission within 45 minutes today to decide on the protection plan.
In this meeting, the review of the general plan was on the agenda; But Reza Taghipour, the head of the commission, did not give the opportunity to speak to the representatives and the research center and other agencies, and only Jalal Rashidi Kochi, the representative of the people of Marvdasht, Arsanjan and Pasargad, in a short speech expressed the people’s concern about the approval of this plan.
He was the only representative who supported people’s rights in this project.